This utility calculates the duration of audio files (both uncompressed, PCM/IEEE FP audio, such as .WAV/ .W64/ .RF64, .AIFF/.AIF and also lossy compressed files such as MP3, WMA, AAC and OGG Vorbis) that will fit into your available disk space:
**N.B.** If you’re looking for a calculator to do the opposite (i.e. calculate the size of audio files from a given duration), then go here.
Enter your available disk/storage space. Calculating the duration of uncompressed files also requires the Sample Rate, Bit Depth and Channel information (but not the Bit Rate, which is automatically calculated). In addition to the available disk/storage space, calculating the duration of compressed files such as MP3 etc., requires only the Bit Rate information (in this case the Sample Rate, Bit Depth and Channel information is ignored). For compressed files encoded with CBR (Constant Bit Rate), the displayed duration should be as accurate as possible (notwithstanding variables such as header information etc- see below). For compressed files encoded with VBR (Variable Bit Rate), the displayed file size can be slightly less accurate because in this case the bit rate can vary depending on the programme material.
Note that the amount of available disk space reported by your device may vary slightly due to file allocation methods, possible differences in the amount of header information and/or the fact that some operating systems calculate hard disk space differently from others (e.g., some calculate it in binary and call 1kB 1024 bytes whilst others – and most hard drive manufacturers – calculate it in decimal and call 1kB 1000 bytes) – this calculator requires decimal input but also displays the equivalent binary value for convenience.
If you find this useful and/or have any comments or suggestions then do let me know via the comment section below (please read our website rules before posting).
Google to know – thanks Iain.
I have tested this on my Mac using the Safari browser and it works for me
Calculating for Midas M32
Hi Andreas, Glad you like it. Happy holidays!
Thank you for the Audio File Size Calculator – it helped preparing the next project.
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